APEX.ltd: Business Pitch + Plan

Business + Marketing
Market Research Industry Research, Project Presentation, Business analytics, Brand Research, Materials and Manufacture Research, Design Communication
APEX.ltd is our contemporary gaming furniture company, using our proprietary infinite tilt mechanism, to deepen mobile, console and VR experience.
Final Solution
Produce business plan + pitch for the gaming chair project, to pitch to investors.

APEX.ltd is our contemporary gaming furniture company, using our proprietary infinite tilt mechanism, to deepen mobile, console and VR experience. Our business Plan highlights in detail all aspects of our start up, and our minimum value product. This includes a comprehensive understanding of the marketplace, customer base,  company funding, operations, and personnel training.

The APEX 1 is a revolutionary gaming chair, designed to improve posture and user comfort. With our adjustable footrest, lightweight and durable construction. Our product is highly portable and disability inclusive, coming in a variety of colours. This provides an opportunity for the company to break into both the gaming and cinema seating market.

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Start Date
February 21, 2022
Project Type:
Business + Marketing
End Date
May 9, 2022
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Research Stage
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Ideation Stage
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Concept Presentation
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Refinement Stage
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Technical Development
Project Communication
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APEX.ltd: Business Pitch + Plan

Business + Marketing
Market Research Industry Research, Project Presentation, Business analytics, Brand Research, Materials and Manufacture Research, Design Communication
Final Solution
Produce business plan + pitch for the gaming chair project, to pitch to investors.

APEX.ltd is our contemporary gaming furniture company, using our proprietary infinite tilt mechanism, to deepen mobile, console and VR experience. Our business Plan highlights in detail all aspects of our start up, and our minimum value product. This includes a comprehensive understanding of the marketplace, customer base,  company funding, operations, and personnel training.

The APEX 1 is a revolutionary gaming chair, designed to improve posture and user comfort. With our adjustable footrest, lightweight and durable construction. Our product is highly portable and disability inclusive, coming in a variety of colours. This provides an opportunity for the company to break into both the gaming and cinema seating market.

View Full Project
Start Date
February 21, 2022
Project Type:
Business + Marketing
End Date
May 9, 2022
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Concept Development
Refinement Stage
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Technical Development
Solution Communication
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APEX.ltd: Business Pitch + Plan

Business + Marketing
Market Research Industry Research, Project Presentation, Business analytics, Brand Research, Materials and Manufacture Research, Design Communication
Final Solution
Produce business plan + pitch for the gaming chair project, to pitch to investors.

APEX.ltd is our contemporary gaming furniture company, using our proprietary infinite tilt mechanism, to deepen mobile, console and VR experience. Our business Plan highlights in detail all aspects of our start up, and our minimum value product. This includes a comprehensive understanding of the marketplace, customer base,  company funding, operations, and personnel training.

The APEX 1 is a revolutionary gaming chair, designed to improve posture and user comfort. With our adjustable footrest, lightweight and durable construction. Our product is highly portable and disability inclusive, coming in a variety of colours. This provides an opportunity for the company to break into both the gaming and cinema seating market.

View Full Project
Start Date
February 21, 2022
Project Type:
Business + Marketing
End Date
May 9, 2022
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Business Plan

Within this project it was important to divide up different activities between the group members, to complete, while ensuring all members have knowledge of the company and product holistically. 

The first stage was to determine the problems our company wishes to solve, improving the existing comfort, portability, general usability, price, and gaming experience.

Then describing our products manufacture, styling, and ergonomics, to ensure the investor has a strong understanding of our product they are being asked to invest in.

It is equally important to explain the company members roles, and experiences, to show the qualifications that make the company trustworthy in the product’s industry.

My main duties included looking at the existing product market, looking at any influences, sectors, competitors, existing products in addition to general trends and insights on the market and its demographic.

Moving through to how our product can be placed in the market, looking at current opportunities and investment options. Showing the benefits of investment in our company, and the viable market areas for our product. Looking at how our product differs from existing products on the market, and what price point would be viable to maintain company profits and provide opportunity for company expansion.

Once the company's position in the market was determined, showing accolades gained by the company is important to prove the company’s validity and opportunities for growth. This includes any additional funding acquired and the growing interest in our social media presence.

Once the potential of the company is defined, showing the current position of the company, in terms of funding and getting the product to market is necessary. providing possible investors with the steps already taken, and the drive behind the company to get the product to market.

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Project Contribution

Once the current company position is highlighted, investigating market history, and alternative market sectors is conducted. To find any new market trends and alternate industries like the cinema seating industry. Showing what makes our product unique within the marketplace, by using the competitor, SWOT, and PESTLE analysis to determine the companies intrinsic and extrinsic value in the market. Using this to determine where the product sits in the market on a perceptual map.

Showing our products uniqueness by comparison to existing competition and standards. Stemming from the moving function gaming chair, and the inclusivity of the design providing anew experience to the gaming market, that excites, comforts, and corrects seating posture.

Once the potential of our company has been showed, we needed to show the investment we wish for, and what the investor gets in return. Highlighting to the investor the reasoning behind the investment amount being asked for, summarizing what the money is needed for, and how it grows the company. Conducting a final SWOT analysis to ensure the company and product are suited for the market.

From this we developed our business pitch ready to present to the investor, showing the company values, how our product and company stand out and relevant marketing and funding information, to entise investment.

Buisness Pitch
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Our APEX.ltd business pitch highlights the problems our company was created to solve and mitigate. Inspiring a new gaming experience for the future gamer. Describing the groups responsibilities within the company, market research for our company, pertaining to both the gaming industry and any other notable market opportunities. Showing off company accolades, social media platforms, current funding and progress towards mass Production. Providing evaluation on the company's current position, market history and competitors. Using advanced marketing analysis techniques to objectively and holistically identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company in the market place, and the reasoning behind the requirements from the investor. By explaining our companies transparency, and potential, we are hoping to entice investment in our company.

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if you want to work together, have any questions, or just intrigued. Please contact me below for anything.

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